You receive an uncompromising quality of training delivered by knowledgeable and enthusiastic instructors who adhere to rigorous standards of excellence and quality.

TLC is one of a few organizations in Pakistan who are offering six stacks of technology courses in the fields of Digital, Cybersecurity, Soft Skills, IBM AIX Operating System, Storage technologies and a series of workshops for Executive Leadership Teams.

All of our courses are designed and developed by TLC and are taught by highly skilled passionate instructors who are imparting technology courses since 1991 both locally and internationally. Our instrstuctors have acquired various industry professional certifications from IBM, The Open Group, SNIA, NetApp, ISO/IEC Information Security, Fujitsu, VMware, ITIL, Microsoft, and BCG - A Charted Institute of IT. One of our instructor is a seasoned instructors who co-authored ten IBM Redbooks developed at IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) in Austin, Texas, USA in the field of IBM AIX Operating System and IBM Power Server technologies. 

As a part of our deliverables, students will receive a laser quality comprehensive student guide along with the workshop certificate.

In essence, if you really want to access to resources that will help you quickly get up and running on leading-edge technologies and looking for ways to enhance your skills profile. Then, check out these professional training courses that are designed specially for students who want to learn and do more using industry-proven technologies. In all honesty, if you have a goal, we can show you how to reach it. In a nut shell, our courses are designed on the basis that you have got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

4Q2022 Newsletter4Q2023NL


First Half 2023 Education & Training Program Schedule
Security Courses offered by TLC
Listen to our Customer Experience
Students Group Photographs
Client Onsite Education & Training Services Program
Client Onsite Technology Workshop Brochure
About AIX Program
The Vision for AIX Education in Pakistan
About Our Instructor
AIX Education and Training Roadmap
Instructor Teaching Experience
On-line Resource Nomination and Registration
Estimated cost incur in attending AIX course outside of Pakistan




Following are the customers who have attended our technology workshops







AIX operating system courses 
offered by TLC in Pakistan

About IBM AIX Education Program offerd by TLC

The Vision of IBM AIX operating system in Pakistan

Professional profile of our Instructor

AIX Education & Training Roadmap

A list of customer to whom our instructor imparted UNIX courses

Student On-line nomination form


TLC Professional Services offers a
wide variety of AIX and IBM Power 
Server Technology Workshops
or their customers 

Check out our Technology Workshops

AIX Systems Security Hardening Services for IBM Power Server

AIX Performance Monitoring & Optimization Workshop for IBM Power Server

AIX Health Check & Systems Optimization Workshop for IBM Power Server

IT Infrastructure Business Resilience Workshop for IBM Power Server

Cloud Computing Adoption Assessment Workshop

IT Infrastructure Gap Analysis Assessment & Technology Roadmap Workshop

AIX OS Migration Project Management Consulting Services for IBM Power Server


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